Dr. Sebastian Adam

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Create a new product series in a very short time


Create a new product series in a very short time



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Create a new product series in a very short time

SPS Europe GmbH has successfully launched a new product series within six months with the help of ReqSuite® RM, supported by OMNI Inform-Pro.

Successful product launch supported by ReqSuite® RM

With the support of our partner, OMNI Inform-Pro GmbH from Munich, and the use of our requirements management tool ReqSuite® RM, SPS Europe GmbH has successfully launched a new product series on the market in a very short time



“Due to the complexity of the many requirements, standards, guidelines, and established processes required for our product launch, ReqSuite® RM provided us with significant support in project management. Thanks to ReqSuite® RM, we were able to work agilely and structure our project perfectly. Since it is a very user-friendly software, you can quickly work with it after a short training period and record initial successes.” SPS, Cornelia Loos


About SPS-Europe GmbH

SPS-Europe GmbH has been offering quality products and services for over 30 years. SPS-Europe GmbH is the central point of contact for manufacturers of front-end semiconductors and related industries. SPS-Europe GmbH is based in Ingolstadt. Within 3-6 months, SPS-Europe GmbH would like to produce and sell a market-ready, directive-compliant and standard-compliant inline heater product series.

The goal of SPS-Europe GmbH to bring a new inline heater series onto the market in a very short time was very ambitious. A variety of standards, guidelines and other tasks had to be observed. With the extreme number of requirements resulting, among other things, from the various standards and guidelines, such as:

  • the Low Voltage Directive (2014/35/EU)
  • the RoHS (2011/65/EU)
  • the REACH (EC No 1907/2006)
  • Machine safety/ risk assessment standard (EN ISO 12100:2010)

To name just a few, it was easy to lose track and get bogged down quite quickly. The project manager was faced with a huge mountain of challenges. Not only did the requirements from various standards and guidelines have to be implemented, but structures in the following areas also had to be set up and established:

  • Sales
  • Quality Assurance
  • production
  • processes


The software solution

Together with the project manager from SPS Europe GmbH, the colleagues from OMNI Inform-Pro went on a mountain tour and had ReqSuite® in their luggage as support. In this way, they were well prepared to meet the mountain of demands and were able to start climbing it piece by piece.

OMNI Inform-Pro has started recording the requirements in ReqSuite® and writing the solutions for them. As a result, OMNI Inform-Pro was able to structure the rather complex project very well and was able to process the requirements very efficiently and agilely. In weekly meetings with the project manager from SPS-Europe GmbH, the requirements management tool was used to discuss the state of affairs. What has already been done, or which tasks still need to be worked on and who is responsible for them. All stakeholders involved were always up to date and knew which steps to take next in order to conquer the mountain.

It also ensured that all requirements were taken into account and that no task was overlooked. Based on test cases, it was finally possible to verify whether all requirements had been completed and that a safe product that complies with guidelines and standards could therefore be brought to market. The test cases also served as quality assurance. As a result, the V-model could be integrated and mapped in ReqSuite®. Verification and validation could also be carried out in ReqSuite®.

OMNI Inform-Pro always came a bit closer to the goal, the summit, and in the end, it was a very good feeling to have reached the top and conquered the mountain of demands. With the help of ReqSuite® RM, it was possible to ensure that, despite the rather high complexity of the project, a very good structure could be maintained and the project therefore remained very clear.


The results

Within 6 months, an initial idea was turned into a production-ready rollout for the inline heater series. This result was possible thanks to the continuous and very close exchange between project manager and management with OMNI Infom-Pro and thanks to the support of the ReqSuite® RM requirements management tool.


Note: This article was written by OMNI Inform-Pro and first appeared on their blog page. In the version of the article printed here, only “we” was replaced by “OMNI Inform-Pro”.

About the author

Dr. Sebastian Adam

Dr. Sebastian Adam

Managing Director & Co-Founder

Dr. Sebastian Adam has been deeply involved in requirements management for over 20 years. His expertise and experience make him a recognized authority on the challenges and best practices in this field. In 2015, he founded OSSENO Software GmbH to help companies simplify, streamline, and future-proof their requirements management processes. With reqSuite® rm, the software he developed, he created a solution that enables businesses to capture, manage, and continuously improve their requirements in a structured way. His mission: to combine practical methodologies with modern technologies to deliver real value to companies.

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