Release Notes ReqSuite® RM 4.2
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Release Notes ReqSuite® 4.2
In ReqSuite® 4.2, which will be released on April 8, 2024, a variety of new features and improvements can be found, the most important of which are mentioned below.
Drawing Functionality
It is now possible to create drawings or diagrams directly within the image boxes. This eliminates the need to create them in external tools and import them as graphics into ReqSuite® RM. Of course, this option still exists.
Enhanced MS Word® Import
It is now possible to perform chapter or section-wise imports in addition to the existing import mechanism. Accordingly, all content from a Word document located within a section will be imported into a ReqSuite® RM element instead of being divided based on individual paragraphs.
Display of Original Creator
Both in table view and in template-based Word and Excel exports, it is now possible to output the creators of an element alongside the responsible persons.
Extension of Syntax for Word Exports
The language for generating Word exports has been supplemented with several commands. With "CREATOR", the creators of an element can now be output, for example, ###REQUIREMENT:TABLE WITH ID, NAME, DESCRIPTION, CREATOR###.
Additionally, the "NO ITEMHEADER" command has been added, allowing for the omission of headers for elements below a classification element, for example, ###REQUIREMENT:INSTANCES ON Heading1 WITH RELATED TEST CASE NO ITEMHEADER###.
Furthermore, for consistency, it is now possible to append ":INSTANCES" to linked elements, for example, ###REQUIREMENT:INSTANCES WITH RELATED TEST CASE:INSTANCES### instead of ###REQUIREMENT:INSTANCES WITH RELATED TEST CASE###. However, the old variant still works.
Also, the option has been created to output only specific attributes for linked elements, for example, ###REQUIREMENT:INSTANCES WITH ID, NAME, DESCRIPTION WITH RELATED TEST CASE:INSTANCES WITH ID, NAME, DESCRIPTION###.
Finally, the filter now also allows for displaying only elements that have at least one connection to another element type, for example, ###REQUIREMENT:INSTANCES [TEST CASE.ID<>NULL]###. Previously, only the opposite was possible, i.e., displaying elements that do not have such a connection.
The improvement suggestions for requirements generated by the enhanced AI functions can now also be automatically adopted. Previously, it was only possible to display such suggestions.
If the enhanced AI functions have been booked, they will now also be adopted during merging of two elements, i.e., if the contents are the same - even differently written - concatenation of the texts will no longer be performed as before, but only one of the two descriptions will be retained.
Moreover, the enhanced AI functions are now available for On-Premise customers as well (with the conclusion of a corresponding additional agreement).
Expansion of Advanced Search
The advanced search has been supplemented with a "does not contain" operator. Additionally, with the help of advanced search, it is now possible to search for comment contents.
Unified Full and Selective Excel Export
The full and selective Excel exports have been unified in appearance and functionality to initiate the first step towards consolidating the currently different Excel export mechanisms. Further optimizations for export and import are planned for the future.
Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) for On-Premises
Login via Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) now works not only for cloud customers but also for On-Premise customers.
Notifications before Target Dates
Previously, it was only possible to be notified upon reaching or exceeding target dates. From ReqSuite® 4.2 onwards, such notifications will be transmitted in the form of reminders several days before reaching a target date.
Attribute Inheritance
The inheritance of attribute values from one element to linked elements currently only worked if there was a "to 1" relationship. From now on, it is also possible to use this function when there are "to n" relationships. For example, if a requirement is related to multiple components, the types of all these components can be automatically inherited.
About the author

Dr. Sebastian Adam
Managing Director & Co-Founder
Dr. Sebastian Adam has been deeply involved in requirements management for over 20 years. His expertise and experience make him a recognized authority on the challenges and best practices in this field. In 2015, he founded OSSENO Software GmbH to help companies simplify, streamline, and future-proof their requirements management processes. With reqSuite® rm, the software he developed, he created a solution that enables businesses to capture, manage, and continuously improve their requirements in a structured way. His mission: to combine practical methodologies with modern technologies to deliver real value to companies.
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