Release Notes ReqSuite® RM 4.3
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ReqSuite® RM 4.3 Release Notes
ReqSuite® 4.3, which will be released on July 28, 2024, once again contains a variety of new features and improvements, the most important of which are mentioned below.
Optional removal of headings in Word Export
If elements are exported to Word using the ‘INSTANCES’ command, grouped and the heading output with e.g. ‘ON Heading1’, subheadings are also added to the elements. In some cases, this output is not required. This subheading can therefore be prevented with the ‘NO ITEMHEADER’ command.
Mandatory attributes can be combined with an editing condition
It is now possible to set attributes that are mandatory to fill in to read-only mode with an edit condition.
There is no error message/notification if a mandatory field is not filled in, while at the same time it is blocked due to this edit condition.
Relationships in the Template Editor can be filtered
In the Template Editor, the table of relations can now be filtered.
Simplified access at work suggestions
Clicking on work suggestions that indicate a missing link now leads directly to the corresponding link window.
Design customization for DrawIO integration
The color scheme of the DrawIO integration now matches the color scheme of ReqSuite® RM.
No export of resolved comments to Word and Excel
From now on, comments will no longer be exported by default during an Excel or Word export if they have been marked as ‘resolved’ in ReqSuite® RM.
For Word exports, this can be avoided by using the commands ###OPEN ISSUES### or ###ALL COMMENTS###.
Sorting of linked elements in the refinement view
By default, linked elements are sorted according to their ID in the refinement view. If a link widget is defined in an input form of a category, the elements can be re-sorted there.
This order of the linked elements is adopted in the refinement view.
Adoption of visual customizations of richtext attributes to GitLab
Visual adjustments in a richtext form and images are now adopted during synchronization with GitLab if they are supported.
Calculation formula optionally only considers attributes of directly linked elements
Using the calculation formula, it is possible to automatically calculate the value of an attribute of an element. The values of linked elements can also be included in the calculation. In the standard case, all elements that are also transitive (indirectly linked) elements are included. It is now possible to deactivate this transitive inclusion. This is made possible by the ‘DIRECT’ command.
Example: Summing up the directly linked use cases of an element: ‘sum(DIRECT Usecase.effort)’
Extension of the support of the Enterprise Architect Add-In + 32 bit version
The Enterprise Architect Add-In now supports more element and relation types on the Enterprise Architect side. These are available in the mapping configuration.
A 32-bit version of the EA-Add-In is now available.
Restrictability of external forms
In the Template Editor, it is now possible to hide individual attributes of an element in external forms.
Attachments are now also loaded into the ReqSuite® RM.
Adoption of responsibilities through Excel import
When re-importing an Excel document, changes to responsibilities are now also adopted. The name of the user must be used in the format ‘First-name Last-name’ (there must be a space between the first name and last name).
Configurability of local user administration and external user administration system
It is now possible for IT administrators to configure whether or not users can also be created locally when using an external user management system. Previously, it was not possible to prevent local creation.
DrawIO and Google Fonts for servers without internet access
If ReqSuite® RM is installed on servers that do not have an Internet connection, e.g. due to security regulations, it is now still possible to use the integration of DrawIO and Google Fonts.
Changes to Excel export commands
The command for Excel export ###CURRENT DATE### and ###CURRENT_DATE### now behaves in the same way as the command of the same name for Word export.
Only one relationship type in the EA Add-In for a tuple of elements
With the mapping rules, only one relationship type can now be created between two elements on the Enterprise Architect side. This behavior is analogous to that of ReqSuite®.
Improved performance when creating baselines
The algorithm for creating a new baseline has been optimized. In some special cases, the creation had taken a very long time. This time has been significantly reduced.
Improved performance when exporting three-dimensional tables
There were problems with the Excel export of three-dimensional tables. The underlying algorithm has been optimized. A restriction has been added: Number of elements in the 3rd dimension < 100.
About the author

Phil Stüpfert
Product Manager
Phil Stüpfert brings in-depth knowledge of requirements engineering and has been strengthening the OSSENO Software GmbH team as a product manager for nearly two years. Previously, he worked at Fraunhofer IESE, where he focused intensively on topics related to requirements management and software development. With his experience, he ensures that reqSuite® rm is continuously improved to help businesses efficiently manage their requirements in a structured way. His focus: creating practical solutions that make everyday work significantly easier.
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